Showing posts with label sad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sad. Show all posts

Friday, November 29, 2013

What She Said...

"Where did you hear that one now..."
The words she said when she was told the first time.

"I dont think he is my type, plus you can never know if he is serious or not."
The words she said, every time someone approached her about him...

"I think he is a nice person, you just have to get to know him"
The words she said trying to defend him...

"I dont know?, he is in Ohio with his girlfriend. I guess he is fine"
The words she said when they asked about him...

"Why do you people keep asking me about him, please he is history"
The words she said when she met some1 else...

"I am a big girl, I can take care of myself"
What she says to make herself feel better.

Sunday, October 24, 2010 so loud...

It's peculiar how I can appear strong on the outside, seemingly content, yet inside I'm soft and melancholic.

I try to distract myself with other aspects of my life - the women I'm seeing, the money I'm earning. But if I'm honest, everything I do, I do because of you.

I attempt to stop thinking about you, but it's futile.

The tragic part is that I know where I should be... but at this moment, I'm at a loss for words. I'm utterly confused.

I haven't seen you in a while, but our recent encounter has sparked a flurry of emotions, igniting red, white, and blue wires in my mind and heart.

I have not seen you in a while but seeing you again just triggered some red, white and blue wires in my head and heart.

I once told myself, "Move on, man," but I simply can't... or wait, did I? It doesn't matter now.

The most heartbreaking part is that I want you, but I'm simultaneously terrified of rejection and the potential embarrassment that could follow.

And all these thoughts are bouncing around inside me...

The thoughts are deafening... screaming (if such a word exists)... as if they're amplified by microphones and speakers...

One day, I'll find a way to express my feelings. And if you don't reciprocate my love, someone else will.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Black Roses

A mutual understanding...
So yummy good n spicy...
Weeks passed, months
Things still  cool.
then the arguments, the quarrels, the mistakes 
I keep coming back to apologize even though I KNOW u are the one at fault.
but the same arguments quarrels n mistakes...
well this is my own side of the story
This cycle cant keep happening. 
u say I try to change you... i try to control you...
if i see u playing with a knife n i tell u to drop it. 
is that bad?
I have tried...

I give unto thee Black Roses...

Monday, December 21, 2009

the world in the eyes of the clown


I like the way people see me... "the happy person" "the dude that really doesnt have to work for anything"

but if you smell the odour oozing from my smelly shoes, you will not want your enemies foot inside them.

I always call myself "the clown" because most of the time I wear a mask. So people do not  get to see the emptiness in my eyes.

Clowns have painted faces, dress in funny ways. have a smile on their face 25hrs of the day, they crack jokes, make silly faces, do tricks, just to make everyone smile, they do not do it because they want to they do it so they can get paid, if they had the choice they probably would not be clowns. I mean who takes a clown seriously, they get kicked and spat at by most of us...

 Well reality hits as the paint falls off.

no matter how hard I try to make people happy they never get it, they spit on me and kick me.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

back then...


And so emotions from a long lost love pop up from no where.

I try to keep off, u know like ehm... keep a distance thats what my head;s telling me...

but the truth is I cant keep letting my head think for me, my heart is dying... dying real slow... (slow like slovania) lol...

I rem the days before our first kiss... when we only used to cuddle on your bed, i tried to keep to myself u

know do dem good boy things, nice guy sturvz.. like leave pace between u n me on the bed,

so ul know I wasn't in it for sex...

u n i, well we lasted for a couple of months, those months, i can never forget, the good times... and the

not-so-good times..

our thing was deep tho... we spoke bout a few things, i told u basically errthing bout me... i assumed ul

know me inside out ...

but...  DEN DEN DEN DEN... lol

i find it a bit strange when you said u didnt know who i am... like i was heart-broken... like ur suppose 2 b d only one on earth that knows errthing bout me...

well all I can say now is... I will always be here if you need me...

LOVE DOES HURT... esp when u dont know what the other person thinks or feels...


eh hello people... how u doing...

wats happening... ehm lol kommytila is single ehm... feel free 2 add me on facebook name is KOMMY KONFIRMED OBASA...

and on twitter lol... name kommytila...

if u want email addy... lemme know..
grr baby grrr...

shout out to
my daddy
my mommy
my sisters
my uncles
...all my exs...
house-maids... grrr
the ppl that stole my shirts and boxers in boarding house... lol i know a few ov u...
2 dem seniors that purnished me...

so am kommytila the joker is back as well emotional dude has halfly gone.. if that english exists...
so next post shud be fun a lil bit.