Monday, August 19, 2013

Top Secret Affair | ACT I


[Scene I]

The boy sets up a video camera and begins recording. He appears to be stained in blood.


Hello everyone out there, I am here today not because I want to but because I need to. I know something you need to know if you do not know already. There is something very big that cannot remain private simply because it concerns the general public. It all started six months ago, right after my father’s All-State Comedy Tour. The last place he performed was at Kapitol Hall. It was his first time performing for the President and other top government officials. When he got back, he told my mother about the type of reception he got from the audience. I was in the living room as well, but I was certainly not part of the conversation. I was still considered too young for certain conversations.

[Scene II]

Living room, young boy sitting on the floor watching television, mother on the sofa, knitting a sweater.


Hello, who is happy to see me?


You are late. Did you stop over at your other family’s house that we do not know about?


You certainly know how to welcome a husband into his own home.


Still does not change the fact that you are late. I made dinner two hours ago. Your meal is in the microwave.

Young Boy:

Daddy! How was your tour? I want to hear all about it.


It was nice. I met a lot of people, and the crowd responded well. They were a little stiff at the beginning, but they opened up later on.

Young Boy:

Did you meet the president after the show?


We will talk later on. Your mother needs me right now.


Tell us about the President and the rumors. Are they true?


Well, I do not know. But I saw Tolani Ajanaku after the show. She seems to be nothing like she appears on television.


Really? Is that why you came home late? Korede, go to your room. Your father and I need to discuss adult matters.

[Scene III]

Boy in front of the video camera.


I pretended to go to my room. I stopped and overheard my parents’ conversation. My father spoke about the kind of people he met and had conversations with. He mentioned something that caught my attention. He spoke about the newscaster on the NTA Newsline. The conversation he had with her and told my mom that we were moving to the capital. And she was going to be our next-door neighbor. He said she wants to move away from the capital to a quiet town or city where she can live a private life. While he was still conversing with my mother, he said there are many ways to redemption, and some of them are not peaceful. My mother seemed to have a lot against the woman she only knew over the television screen. I discovered why later on.

[Scene IV]

Boy packs his belongings. Narration continues.

Boy (Voiceover):

I was in SS2 when my father mentioned we would be moving. The move was not made in my best interest, but I was excited regardless. My next-door neighbor was going to be the woman who makes married men and younger boys watch the news every Sunday night. The countdown to the move began. After five months of packing, planning, and strategizing, we finally moved to our new home in the capital. I believe I was the happiest of the bunch. I was in the Federal Capital Territory, the place where the current and future plans involving our country are discussed.

[Scene V]

Family arrives at the new house. Boy looks around excitedly.

Boy (Voiceover):

Our new house had three bedrooms, one of which was an en-suite, two living rooms, a dining room, a lovely kitchen, an office, a laundry room, two and a half bathrooms, a garden in front and at the back. It was a really nice house. My mother was excited; she loved the house maybe more than everyone. I know the least happy of us was my father. He must have spent a fortune on the house. My parents had the movers move their things into the master bedroom. I was given an option to select between the other two rooms. Without hesitation, I selected the room with the windows facing Miss Tolani’s house. There was a window right opposite mine. I hoped and prayed it was the window leading to her room.

[Scene VI]

Family dinner. Boy is asked about his future plans.


What are your future plans after secondary school?


Since I got into secondary school, I have been battling a serious dilemma. I am not sure if I want to be a journalist or a politician, so being in the capital made me feel like a child at the North Pole. I plan to test the water.

Family says goodnight. Boy goes to his room.

[Scene VII]

Boy enters his room. The lights in the other house are on. He sees a woman undressing.

Boy (Voiceover):

When I walked into my room, the lights in the other house were on, and I watched quietly as a female undressed from what looked like an evening dress or gown. She was the only other woman aside from my mother I had seen naked. Her body was more defined than my mother’s. I grabbed my camera and attempted to zoom in to see if it was who I thought it was or one of her guests, perhaps her daughter if she had any children. But as I tried to zoom in, my fingers did something else entirely, and a picture was taken with a flash. At this point, she was facing me. I froze, and it seemed like time froze for a second. She did not get dressed in a hurry; she simply wore her nightgown, walked graciously to the light switch. I was in shock and did not move. I cannot recall going to bed that night. I dreamt about nothing.

[Scene VIII]

Boy wakes up on the floor, close to the window facing Miss Tolani’s room. He wakes up with a plan.

Boy (Voiceover):

The next morning, I woke up on the floor close to the window facing Miss Tolani’s room. I woke up with a plan. I was going to walk over to her house and introduce myself.

[Scene IX]

Boy walks to Miss Tolani’s house and knocks on the door.


Hello, Miss Tolani. My name is Korede. I just moved in next door, and I wanted to introduce myself.

Miss Tolani:

Hello, Korede. It’s nice to meet you. How are you finding the new neighborhood?


I love it here. I was wondering if you need any help. I could be your assistant.

Miss Tolani:

An assistant? That’s interesting. What makes you think I need one?


I know you’re a journalist, and I want to learn more about journalism. Plus, I have some free time after school.

Miss Tolani:

Well, let’s see. How about you come over tomorrow after school, and we’ll discuss it?


Thank you, Miss Tolani. I’ll be here.

Boy leaves with a smile, hopeful for what’s to come.

[Scene X]

Boy in front of the video camera again.


Sometimes I look at you and it feels like nothing ever changed, like we’re still together. I look at your face and realize how lucky I was to ever have you, and it kills me to know that I cannot just reach out and talk to you anymore. If you love me, you will let me go. Do not count the days; make the days count. I have been searching all around for a woman like you. The love I have for you is non-stop.

Boy’s expression turns somber.


First, I am overwhelmed by grief and the reason I do this is because of the truth. The truth must come out, no matter the cost.


End of Act I

Friday, July 12, 2013

It finally rained

Three days after my birthday, still hoping for rain, I woke up before 7 a.m. The Lord sent a message to me through my younger sister the previous day; she brought good news. In our lengthy conversation, she said it rained all day in the city where I was born. She said the ground was filled with water. At the time we spoke, what we said had no meaning.

Right after sleep left my eyes and my dreams had ended, I said a thank-you prayer to my God for waking me up and for giving me the grace to praise His name. I remember asking for His guidance throughout the day. But little did I know that I would later on fall into sin before 8 a.m.

The Magna Carta Album by Jay-Z was released to Samsung Galaxy owners, and luckily for me, I happened to be one of the lucky recipients. The little form of kindness from Samsung ensured the purchase of their next available product. With my earphones plugged into my ears, my laptop on the work table, and my fully charged Samsung phone by my side, I was ready for the day’s tasks.

Thoughts of my close friend, whom we shall address as Madame, had just been visited by the red sin of Eve. Several times, I tried to imagine how difficult the visit might be, but I had been told several times to focus on matters that directly affect me. It must surely hurt to be a daughter of Eve. Thinking of ways to ease her pain, I made breakfast for her. That was number one on the list of things to ease her day. By the grace of God, I hoped to continue to ease her pain all day.

After my prayer for guidance, I walked around the apartment to arrange my mess from the previous day. During the process, I saw my Bible. The Lord knows it had been a while since I personally picked up my Bible to read. I eventually read my Bible, and I will tell you the verses I read and what they meant to me.

A half hour after the meal had been prepared for Madame, I felt a sweet sensation around my body. It was almost like I was at peace with everything. Most importantly, at that moment, I was at peace with myself. It was raining.

When I woke up this morning, before I prayed and thanked God for a new day, I checked my emails through my cellphone. One of the emails I received was from Bible Gateway. I opened the email, and there were two passages I was to read. The first one was Job 30-31, and the second one was Acts 13:26-52.

After reading the passage from Acts, I knew I had to pray and thank God. Shortly after, I was tempted. I fell into sin again. But glory be to the Lord and to His word. I opened my Bible after seeing it hidden in a little corner on the work table. I opened it at random and landed on Judges 6. I read the whole chapter. I got to a verse that made tears gush out of my eyes. I cried like I had never cried before or in a while. I wept because of the words Gideon spoke when he was visited. They were words I wished I had said to my God a long time ago. He said, and I read from Judges 6:18, “Do not go away until I come back and bring my offering to you.”

In that moment, I realized the depth of my longing for divine connection and guidance. The rain outside became a symbol of renewal, washing away my sins and filling me with hope. As the drops fell steadily, I felt a sense of purification, as if each drop carried away the weight of my mistakes and brought with it a promise of new beginnings.

The rest of the day unfolded with a sense of purpose and clarity. I continued my tasks with a lighter heart, knowing that despite my flaws, I was loved and forgiven. Madame appreciated the small gestures of care, and I found joy in serving her, knowing that through these acts, I was expressing my gratitude to God.

By evening, the rain had subsided, leaving behind a fresh, clean world. I sat by the window, reflecting on the day’s events, feeling an overwhelming sense of peace. The rain, which I had so eagerly awaited, had brought with it more than just water; it had brought a spiritual cleansing, a renewal of faith, and a reminder of God’s unwavering love and grace. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Music And My Love Life.

One of my favorite musicians of all time happens to be Sade
I have secretly pondered on why I like her songs so much.
Well Today I figured it out while listening to Sade's No Ordinary Love.
It reminded me of my high school love, who truly did all she could and I did not reciprocate the love. Her love for me seemed more than ordinary. I just was not ready for it. I felt I could do better than her. I did not want to settle for something I believed to be less. 

At that time in high school Usher was my favorite artist, I appeared to be like a Rake, I attracted females with little or no effort atleast that's what others thought. I was always in a relationship and if it things were not working out I moved on to another. 

Then again, during my low points, I listen to Sade's songs because she always had a lover she was singing for. She always sang about the love she had for him and how she was not going to back down or she sang about how the love her lover gave her was the best. She always made me want to be the lover she sang about. It was then I realized I lost a great love, perhaps my first love. I believe subconsciously I replaced my supposed first love with Sade and her lyrics. 

After a while I realized the females I fell for were always the "romantic type" even if they did not show it. I always found them. They were always the ones who suffered from a serious heartbreak. I always felt it was my responsibility to rescue them, thinking if I can make them love again it will make up for my high school error. But once they fall for me, I leave them with a deeper hole than I met. I leave them in a worse state, simply because my scars are not healed and because the hole in my soul is greater than what they can fill up.

So what did I do? I listened to Sade more. Hoping I will find someone like her or my first love again or someone better. But brrr it never happened. I tried to fill my hole with several cravings, pleasures and fantasies. Yet it remained.

Usher was no longer encouraging to me so I searched for an artist who understood me or an artist whose case was similar to mine.
The Weeknd became a good friend for a while, simply because his songs are indeed sad and he lets the world know about his pain and how he tries to cover them up.
After a long time of being a fan of his, I tried to get out of that phase. I began to search for an artist who was happy and in need of love. That was when I found Wizkid.

Wizkid made me love again, he made me start going out again. His songs gave me encouragement to find a woman to love even if it was for one night. Sadly I never felt true love with any of the women so I went back into a little form of depression. That was when I found Lana Del Rey.

She seemed to be truly happy with her sadness. She seemed like she will stick with her man no matter the weather. It made me feel like I had more hope. Like I did not have to change who I believe I was. 

I'm happy now that there are better songs I can still listen to. But Sade still remains one of them. That on it's own probably means I am still searching.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

From Henry To My Mistress

Verse 1

Perhaps you do not understand
but I cannot sleep. i can hardly breathe, thinking of you.

Your image is before my eyes every waken second

I almost believed that I will sacrifice my Kingdom, for an hour in your arms
I beg you. 
Name someplace that we can meet and when
that I can show you truly an affection which is beyond common affection

I'm sorry if I offended you
i did not mean to.
i spoke plainly of my true feelings.

Verse 2

I want to say something to you.
If It pleases you to be my true loyal mistress and friend.
To give yourself surrender yourself body and soul.
I promise, I will take you as my only mistress
I won't have a third or an affection for anyone else
If you agree to be my matrees entree (official mistress)
I promise, I will serve only you.

I'm sorry if I offended you
i did not mean to.
i spoke plainly of my true feeling.

I give you leave that we may always speak freely with each other
honestly, openly and with a true heart.
For me that is the true definition of love.

Edited words from Henry

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Let Me Be

What do you want from me
why cant you let me be
i'm not good for you
but you still want me
but cant you see
i cant be with you
'cause of the things i do
i just cant be with you
cause of who i am

So why dont you go away, far away from me
'Cause I will only hurt you while I hurt myself
I am not good alone, and I am not good with you
I have to fix myself before i let you in.
I thought I could fix myself, fixing you. 

you are less than what I want
and I am less than what you need.
so why dont you let me be
What do you want from me
Please let me be
Please let me be

Monday, March 26, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012

My obsession with the Jordan River

Somewhere in Jordan, a part of my soul rests.
I found refuge in a place so foreign and exotic.
Captured by Aphrodite herself.
My heart can do nothing but imagine what could have been if it remained in Jordan.
The Dead Sea was the destination and my soul still floats around with no possibility of sinking and drowning…

As incomplete as my words,
So my decisions are,
As incomplete as our relationship was,
So do I wish all your relationships ‘til I find my way floating back to Jordan.

Friday, September 2, 2011

When is the right time to leave?

My friends and I where in the zones and I asked this questions and no one came up with an answer that I could relate to... say my dear blogizzles... when is the right time to leave a relationship?

do u wait till you are fed up?

do u leave when the thought of the question occurs?

after the 1st 3 months?


cos i was taught that if sumn doesnt work ... try ... try and try again...
right now. my mentality is... before i get into a relationship try my best to figure atleast 30% of the person the rest during the relationship and if we get into a prob... we work things thru... but heeey from my past record you prob wont believe my new ideas on relationships so people I ask of you...


Friday, August 12, 2011


#SoYouInLoveNow because you think bout him/her all day?

#SoYouInLoveNow because you see stars when u kiss?


 #SoYouInLoveNow because he/she is your life?

at what point does it become infatuation , or are they the same?

which do u prefer? 

or does infatuation develop into love?


please lecture me people...