Showing posts with label dreams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dreams. Show all posts

Friday, July 12, 2013

It finally rained

Three days after my birthday, still hoping for rain, I woke up before 7 a.m. The Lord sent a message to me through my younger sister the previous day; she brought good news. In our lengthy conversation, she said it rained all day in the city where I was born. She said the ground was filled with water. At the time we spoke, what we said had no meaning.

Right after sleep left my eyes and my dreams had ended, I said a thank-you prayer to my God for waking me up and for giving me the grace to praise His name. I remember asking for His guidance throughout the day. But little did I know that I would later on fall into sin before 8 a.m.

The Magna Carta Album by Jay-Z was released to Samsung Galaxy owners, and luckily for me, I happened to be one of the lucky recipients. The little form of kindness from Samsung ensured the purchase of their next available product. With my earphones plugged into my ears, my laptop on the work table, and my fully charged Samsung phone by my side, I was ready for the day’s tasks.

Thoughts of my close friend, whom we shall address as Madame, had just been visited by the red sin of Eve. Several times, I tried to imagine how difficult the visit might be, but I had been told several times to focus on matters that directly affect me. It must surely hurt to be a daughter of Eve. Thinking of ways to ease her pain, I made breakfast for her. That was number one on the list of things to ease her day. By the grace of God, I hoped to continue to ease her pain all day.

After my prayer for guidance, I walked around the apartment to arrange my mess from the previous day. During the process, I saw my Bible. The Lord knows it had been a while since I personally picked up my Bible to read. I eventually read my Bible, and I will tell you the verses I read and what they meant to me.

A half hour after the meal had been prepared for Madame, I felt a sweet sensation around my body. It was almost like I was at peace with everything. Most importantly, at that moment, I was at peace with myself. It was raining.

When I woke up this morning, before I prayed and thanked God for a new day, I checked my emails through my cellphone. One of the emails I received was from Bible Gateway. I opened the email, and there were two passages I was to read. The first one was Job 30-31, and the second one was Acts 13:26-52.

After reading the passage from Acts, I knew I had to pray and thank God. Shortly after, I was tempted. I fell into sin again. But glory be to the Lord and to His word. I opened my Bible after seeing it hidden in a little corner on the work table. I opened it at random and landed on Judges 6. I read the whole chapter. I got to a verse that made tears gush out of my eyes. I cried like I had never cried before or in a while. I wept because of the words Gideon spoke when he was visited. They were words I wished I had said to my God a long time ago. He said, and I read from Judges 6:18, “Do not go away until I come back and bring my offering to you.”

In that moment, I realized the depth of my longing for divine connection and guidance. The rain outside became a symbol of renewal, washing away my sins and filling me with hope. As the drops fell steadily, I felt a sense of purification, as if each drop carried away the weight of my mistakes and brought with it a promise of new beginnings.

The rest of the day unfolded with a sense of purpose and clarity. I continued my tasks with a lighter heart, knowing that despite my flaws, I was loved and forgiven. Madame appreciated the small gestures of care, and I found joy in serving her, knowing that through these acts, I was expressing my gratitude to God.

By evening, the rain had subsided, leaving behind a fresh, clean world. I sat by the window, reflecting on the day’s events, feeling an overwhelming sense of peace. The rain, which I had so eagerly awaited, had brought with it more than just water; it had brought a spiritual cleansing, a renewal of faith, and a reminder of God’s unwavering love and grace. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

My obsession with the Jordan River

Somewhere in Jordan, a part of my soul rests.
I found refuge in a place so foreign and exotic.
Captured by Aphrodite herself.
My heart can do nothing but imagine what could have been if it remained in Jordan.
The Dead Sea was the destination and my soul still floats around with no possibility of sinking and drowning…

As incomplete as my words,
So my decisions are,
As incomplete as our relationship was,
So do I wish all your relationships ‘til I find my way floating back to Jordan.